
Pre-Congress Workshops

Pre-Congress Workshops


Single Port Laparoscopy Workshop

Course Director: Prof. Jing Sun & Prof. Weihua Lou
Address: (Medtronic Medical Treatment Innovation Center) Room 306/307, Building 14, No. 99 Tianzhou Road Shanghai, China
Learning objectives
  1. To grasp the basic and advanced applications of Single-Port & NOTES
  2. To grasp the establishment of approaches of Single-Port & NOTES
  3. To grasp the skills of classic resection and suturing in Single-Port & NOTES
  4. To know the proper applicaiton of Single-Port & NOTES in Gynecological Malignancy
  5. To know the use of "Cross Technique" and "Chopstick Technique" in Single-Port & NOTES by Animal Lab


Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery Workshop

Course Director: Prof. Juan Liu & Dr. Kuan-Hui Huang
Address: (Medtronic Medical Treatment Innovation Center) Room 306/307, Building 14, No. 99 Tianzhou RoadShanghai,China
Learning objectives
  1. Master standard practice of presacral exposure and mesh fixation of Sacrocolpopexy
  2. Master standard steps and surgical techniques of transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (VNOTES) sacrocolpopexy
  3. Understand anatomy related to TVT and TVT-O
  4. Master step-by-step skills of TVT and TVT-O
  5. Hands-on training on simulation surgical training models


Hysteroscopy Workshop

Course Director: Prof. Long Sui
Address: (Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital of Fudan University)
 128 Shenyang Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai China, 200090
Learning objectives
  1. Master the classic and expanded applications of hysteroscopy
  2. Master the operation and management process of hysteroscopy
  3. Master the operation skills of classic hysteroscopic resection, micro scissors, grasper and other instruments
  4. Training the operational skills of Mechanical Energies
  5. Training the use of new hysteroscopic instruments and equipment (including disposable hysteroscopes, second-generation whole endometrial ablation, and the use of morcellation and so on)


Endometriosis & Adenomyosis Workshop

Course Director: Dr. Xiaofang Yi
Address: (Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital of Fudan University) 128 Shenyang Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai China, 200090
Learning objectives
  1. Understand the clinicopathological features of endometriosis and adenomyosis, including their causes and diagnostic challenges
  2. Recognition of ultrasound and radiologic features of endometriosis and adenomyosis
  3. Techniques of clinical diagnose of endometriosis and adenomyosis using a combination of clinical evaluation and imaging techniques (ultrasound, MRI), laparoscopy and colonoscopy if necessary
  4. Techniques of laparoscopic dissection of bowel endometriosis
  5. Techniques of laparoscopic dissection of urinary endometriosis
  6. Techniques of laparoscopic uterine artery occlusion and double-flap suture of uterus with adenomyosis
  7. Understand the impact of endometriosis and adenomyosis on fertility, and explore treatment options for women wishing to conceive